Courses and programmes

We offer a large number courses in mathematics, mathematical statistics, computer science and scientific computing, as well as several programmes. On this page you can also find information about PhD studies.

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We offer several bachelors' and masters' programmes, leading to bachelors' degrees in mathematics, mathematical statistics or computer science, and masters' degrees in mathematics, mathematical statistics, actuarial mathematics, or biostatistics and data science.

Information about our bachelors' programmes and the Master's Programme in Actuarial Mathematics on the Swedish page

Most courses can also be taken as separate courses, including some courses from the later part of our bachelor's programmes that are given in English. If you wish to take a degree with separate courses you must make sure that you fulfil the degree requirements.


Degree projects

In both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree there is a mandatory degree project (or independent project) included. You apply for degree projects through, like other courses.

Read more about degree projects on the page about degrees


Distance courses and summer courses

Some first cycle courses are also given as distance courses, often with online resources like recorded lectures. Note that even for distance courses, exams may take place on campus.

We usually offer some distance courses even during the summer, though some of these are in Swedish. In particular, the two specific courses required for eligibility to the Master's Programme in Mathematics are often given (in English) during the summer.

You can find distance courses and summer courses below by filtering by study form or semester.

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